Alzheimer’s: Brain Structure Changes Years Before Memory Loss Begins

Alzheimer’s And Demen­tia: Brain Struc­ture Changes Years Before Mem­o­ry Loss Begins Sci­ence Dai­ly — “Peo­ple who devel­op demen­tia or Alzheimer’s dis­ease expe­ri­ence brain struc­ture changes years before any signs of mem­o­ry loss begin,…” The good news is that this can lead to bet­ter and ear­li­er assess­ments: “Researchers say these find­ings may help iden­ti­fy peo­ple at risk…

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Brain Calisthenics, Brain Fitness Center locations

…across the coun­try, brain health pro­grams are spring­ing up, offer­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a cog­ni­tive foun­tain of youth.” “From “brain gyms” on the Inter­net to “brain-healthy” foods and activ­i­ties at assist­ed liv­ing cen­ters, the pro­grams are aimed at baby boomers anx­ious about enter­ing their gold­en years and at their par­ents try­ing to stave off mem­o­ry loss…

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