Posts Tagged ‘bilingual’
The benefits of speaking more than one language
An article in the Wall Street Journal today, Building a More Resilient Brain, reviews the work of Dr. Bialystok and her colleagues on the benefits that bilingualism brings to the brain. Another great example of neuroplasticity. … over time, regularly speaking more than one language appears to strengthen skills that boost the brain’s so-called cognitive…
Read MoreUpdate: Innovation to Upgrade Brain Care
Here you have the July edition of our monthly eNewslet ter covering cognitive health and brain fitness topics. Please remem ber that you can subscribe to receive this free Brain Fitness eNewsletter by email, using the box in the right column. Technology to upgrade brain care: In this extensive interview, Dr. John Docherty helps connect the…
Read MoreBeing Bilingual Enhances Executive Functions and Brain
Bilingualism Associated With Brain Reorganization Involving Better Efficiency in Executive Functions, Research Finds (Science News) “Findings are very important because they show an unknown aspect of bilingualism, which goes beyond linguistic advantages, and they also show bilinguals are more effective in responding to certain stimuli,” explains researcher Cesar Avila, who ensures the research shows that bilingualism…
Read MoreNeuroscience, brain development and cognitive health
Round-up of recent articles on neuroscience, brain development and cognitive health: Encephalon 68: A carnival of neuroscience: Chris hosts a great collection of neuroscience and psychology posts in his signature Q&A style. Bilingual Babies Get Head Start — Before They Can Talk: — Unlike the monolingual group, the bilingual group was able to successfully learn a…
Read MoreBilingual brains stay sharp longer
In study, Bilingual brains stay sharp longer We have seen a number of studies on why and how speaking more than one language may help build a Cognitive Reserve (interview with Yaakov Stern) that protects us against cognitive decline. This article does a good job at explaining what may be going on (bold added by me):…
Read MoreBrain Management for lawyers
“How does this neuro frontier inside our skulls specifically inform law firm management? By peering inside the brain, we can see how its owner takes in information, makes decisions, changes and resists change, remembers and recalls, and responds to people. What we are learning about the brain affects three factors critical to law firms and…
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