Virtual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) accounts for over 30% of NHS mental health treatments — up from 10% in 2017

Con­cern as a third of NHS men­tal health treat­ments shift online (The Guardian): An Observ­er analy­sis of data from pri­vate providers, cross-checked against NHS fig­ures, reveals around one in three men­tal health treat­ments in Eng­land are deliv­ered online, up from one in five in 2019, and one in 10 in 2017. Patients with mild to…

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Mobile cognitive therapies gain traction as first-line mental health intervention

Men­tal health apps let you access ther­a­py from your smart­phone (New Sci­en­tist): “Lie down any­where that suits: the world is now your therapist’s couch. A wide range of apps now deliv­er men­­tal-health care straight to your smart­phone. With PTSD Coach, users can dis­creet­ly screen them­selves and learn more about the dis­or­der. Mood­notes keeps track of

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Innovation: Get Therapy through your iPhone

Excel­lent arti­cle about an emerg­ing “small rev­o­lu­tion” in men­tal health care: Mari­enti­na Got­sis, media lab man­ag­er at USC, start­ed think­ing about design­ing apps with ther­a­peu­tic poten­tial when she real­ized that her phone had joined her wal­let and keys on the small list of things she nev­er left home with­out. “It’s what keeps peo­ple con­nect­ed, functional,…

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