Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’
Update: The placebo effect works even when people know they are taking a placebo
Welcome to a new edition of SharpBrains’ e‑newsletter, featuring 14 research findings, resources and tips for brain health … and starting with this fascinating study: #1. Wow. The placebo effect works even when people know they are taking a placebo #2. Beating Alzheimer’s Disease will require a combined physical/ mental approach: From the ten factors found…
Read MoreComing soon: Virtual World Tour at the frontier of applied neuroplasticity, education and learning difficulties
Heads-up about Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’s upcoming Virtual World Tour to discuss her experience, her book and her schools at the frontier of applied neuroplasticity, education and helping kids with learning difficulties. Presentations are noted in EDT time (Toronto, Canada). Please use this time zone converter to see the time in your region. Learn more and Register…
Read MoreBarbara Arrowsmith Young: Every kid should practice stress reduction and targeted cognitive exercises at school
What is your current job title and organization, and what excites you the most about working there? As discussed in The Brain that Changes Itself and in my own book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, I launched the Arrowsmith Program, a suite of cognitive exercises–now in more that 60 schools–designed to strengthen weak cognitive areas…
Read MoreThe future of personal brain health
What is the future of personal brain health? from SharpBrains You can now enjoy the slide deck from this session, which took place at the 2013 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (September 19–20th).
Read MoreThe Arrowsmith Program to Sponsor 2012 SharpBrains Summit; upcoming book by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young
The Arrowsmith Program has agreed to become a Gold Sponsor @ 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit (June 7–14th): Optimizing Health through Neuroplasticity, Innovation and Data. Thank you! The Arrowsmith Program, available in public and private schools in the U.S. and Canada, is a comprehensive suite of cognitive programs for students with learning disabilities that targets 19 areas of the brain that are most…
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