Brain Exercise and Fitness: September Monthly Digest

Fol­low­ing our July and August edi­tions, here you have our Month­ly Digest of the Most Pop­u­lar Blog Posts. Today, Octo­ber 2nd, we will list the most pop­u­lar Sep­tem­ber posts. You can con­sid­er it your month­ly Brain Exer­cise Mag­a­zine. (Also, remem­ber that you can sub­scribe to receive our RSS feed, check our Top­ics sec­tion, and subscribe…

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A very sharp brain: Prof. Hans Rosling

A few years ago I had the chance to meet  Hans Rosling at a sum­mit by the Schwab Foun­da­tion for Social Entre­pre­neur­ship. He is a Pro­fes­sor of Inter­na­tion­al Health who devel­oped Tren­d­a­lyz­er soft­ware, a tool that brings sta­tis­tics to live with great visu­al and ani­ma­tion tech­niques. Google bought the soft­ware last March. You can find it here now.…

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Everyone a Changemaker”, Ashoka and Google

What an event yes­ter­day night. My wife and I were for­tu­nate to vis­it the Google Cam­pus and attend the Sixth Annu­al North Amer­i­can Fel­low­ship Induc­tion Pro­gram of Ashoka: Inno­va­tors for the Pub­lic, a social ven­ture fund where we have been involved for a num­ber of years, and thanks to which (thanks Michele!) my wife and…

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