Trend: With 25% of US physicians aged 65+, hospitals test older doctors on mental and physical acuity

— When Are Doc­tors Too Old to Prac­tice? (The Wall Street Jour­nal): “In Feb­ru­ary, Robert Brown received an email that left him trou­bled. The New Jer­sey hos­pi­tal where the 71-year-old pedi­a­tri­cian was prac­tic­ing informed him that doc­tors age 72 and old­er would have to take a test to assess their phys­i­cal and men­tal health—or risk…

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Elderhostel’s Marty Knowlton and Lifelong Learning

A per­son who helped rein­vent “aging”, “retire­ment” and “learn­ing”, con­tribut­ing to the cog­ni­tive health of mil­lions of indi­vid­u­als as a result: Mar­tin P. ‘Mar­ty’ Knowl­ton dies at 88; co-founder of Elder­hos­tel (Los Ange­les Times) — “Mar­tin P. “Mar­ty” Knowl­ton, a world trav­el­er who fought ageism by co-found­ing Elder­hos­tel, a pro­gram that pio­neered learn­ing vaca­tions for mature…

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