Five sharp riddles to celebrate the Holidays in perfect harmony

Novem­ber 22, 2023  |

Q: What is a sure way of sus­tain­ing a friend­ly and socia­ble feel­ing towards the whole world? A: Con­sort only with strangers. Q: What beats regret­ting what you DID say? A: Trea­sur­ing what you DIDN’T say.

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Study identifies protective brain structure that delays the onset of frontotemporal dementia symptoms over 2 years

Novem­ber 17, 2023  | Com­ments Off on Study iden­ti­fies pro­tec­tive brain struc­ture that delays the onset of fron­totem­po­ral demen­tia symp­toms over 2 years

Few peo­ple had prob­a­bly heard of fron­totem­po­ral demen­tia until ear­li­er this year, when the fam­i­ly of actor Bruce Willis announced the 68-year-old had been diag­nosed with the con­di­tion. Fron­totem­po­ral demen­tia is a rare dis­ease – thought to account for only one in every 20 cas­es of demen­tia. Symp­toms usu­al­ly devel­op in a person’s late 50s,…

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Brain imaging AI start-up Neurophet raises $15M to better direct Alzheimer’s treatments, lower ARIA side-effects

Novem­ber 9, 2023  | Com­ments Off on Brain imag­ing AI start-up Neu­rophet rais­es $15M to bet­ter direct Alzheimer’s treat­ments, low­er ARIA side-effects

Kore­an AI star­tups All­ga­nize, Neu­rophet raise over $35 mn (The Korea Eco­nom­ic Dai­ly): Found­ed in 2016, the com­pa­ny plans to next year roll out its new AI analy­sis pro­gram that can detect side effects of Alzheimer’s dis­ease treat­ments with a micro­he­m­or­rhage diagnosis.

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On neuroplasticity, cognition, aging, medication, Alzheimer’s, board games, brain teasers, and more

Octo­ber 26, 2023  | Com­ments Off on On neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty, cog­ni­tion, aging, med­ica­tion, Alzheimer’s, board games, brain teasers, and more

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing fas­ci­nat­ing research find­ings on neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty, cog­ni­tion, aging, med­ica­tion, Alzheimer’s, board games, and more, plus some brain teasers to get you in great shape for Hal­loween. #1. Study: Play­ing board games like Chess, Mahjong, Go, helps slow cog­ni­tive decline as we age (but with clear dif­fer­ences in…

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Study: Playing board games like Chess, Mahjong, Go, helps slow cognitive decline as we age (but with clear differences in neurobiology and improved function)

Octo­ber 25, 2023  |

Play­ing Board Games May Slow Cog­ni­tive Decline, Improve QoL (Med­scape): Play­ing chess or oth­er board games slows cog­ni­tive decline and improves qual­i­ty of life in old­er patients, results of a new sys­tem­at­ic review sug­gest. … After search­ing the pub­lished lit­er­a­ture, Pozzi and his col­leagues select­ed 15 stud­ies for the review. The stud­ies assessed the impact…

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Questions grow about the validity and usefulness of direct-to-consumer blood tests for Alzheimer’s Disease

Octo­ber 19, 2023  | Com­ments Off on Ques­tions grow about the valid­i­ty and use­ful­ness of direct-to-con­sumer blood tests for Alzheimer’s Disease

For the first time, peo­ple wor­ried about their risk of Alzheimer’s dis­ease can go online, order a blood test, and receive results in the pri­va­cy of their homes. This might seem appeal­ing on the sur­face, but the devel­op­ment has Alzheimer’s researchers and clin­i­cians up in arms. The Quest Diag­nos­tics blood test, AD-Detect, mea­sures ele­vat­ed lev­els of amyloid-beta…

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The Mindful Body argues against mindlessly accepting age-related decline in cognition and health as inevitable

Octo­ber 9, 2023  | Com­ments Off on The Mind­ful Body argues against mind­less­ly accept­ing age-relat­ed decline in cog­ni­tion and health as inevitable

In 1979, Har­vard researcher Ellen Langer invit­ed elder­ly men to spend a week at a retreat designed to remind them of their younger days, sur­round­ed by the art, music, food, games, décor, and more from the late 1950s. After­ward, the men were test­ed and found to have made sig­nif­i­cant gains in hear­ing, mem­o­ry, dex­ter­i­ty, posture,…

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Beyond the clinic: Can digital therapeutics (DTx) help boost mental health in the workforce at scale?

Octo­ber 2, 2023  | Com­ments Off on Beyond the clin­ic: Can dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics (DTx) help boost men­tal health in the work­force at scale?

Hop­ing to Avoid Pear’s Fate, Behav­ioral Health-Focused DTx Com­pa­nies Look to Employ­er Mar­ket (Behav­ioral Health Busi­ness): The dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics (DTx) indus­try is at a cross­roads after one of the most promi­nent com­pa­nies in the space, Pear Ther­a­peu­tics, filed for bank­rupt­cy ear­li­er this year. The tur­moil comes after DTx began catch­ing on in the behav­ioral health…

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Four reasons to question “new generation” monoclonal antibody Alzheimer’s drugs such as aducanumab (Aduhelm), lecanemab (Leqembi), donanemab

Sep­tem­ber 25, 2023  | Com­ments Off on Four rea­sons to ques­tion “new gen­er­a­tion” mon­o­clon­al anti­body Alzheimer’s drugs such as adu­canum­ab (Aduhelm), lecanemab (Leqem­bi), donanemab

New Alzheimer’s Drugs Don’t Deserve the Hype (Being Patient): A promi­nent child­hood mem­o­ry is of my grand­par­ents liv­ing with and then dying from demen­tia. As is uni­ver­sal with demen­tia, there was a dou­ble blow: watch­ing my grand­par­ents lose their iden­ti­ty and see­ing the suf­fer­ing of those clos­est to them.

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Non-invasive Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (TES) shows early promise to treat ADHD symptoms in children

Sep­tem­ber 19, 2023  | Com­ments Off on Non-inva­sive Tran­scra­nial Elec­tri­cal Stim­u­la­tion (TES) shows ear­ly promise to treat ADHD symp­toms in children

Many chil­dren with ADHD ben­e­fit from med­ica­tion treat­ment, behav­ioral treat­ment, or their com­bi­na­tion, but oth­ers do not. In addi­tion, par­ents are often reluc­tant to start their child on med­ica­tion and high qual­i­ty behav­ioral treat­ments are not read­i­ly acces­si­ble in many areas. The long-term effi­ca­cy of these treat­ments is also less than desir­able. Thus, despite these…

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Masterclass: Boost Your Mental Fitness & Resilience to Thrive in the Modern Workplace

SHARPBRAINS Advi­sors is an inde­pen­dent think-tank and con­sult­ing firm pro­vid­ing ser­vices at the fron­tier of applied neu­ro­science, health, lead­er­ship and sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Learn more about our upcom­ing Mas­ter­class: Boost your Men­tal Fit­ness & Resilience to Thrive in the Mod­ern Workplace.

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS Advi­sors is an inde­pen­dent think-tank and con­sult­ing firm pro­vid­ing ser­vices at the fron­tier of applied neu­ro­science, health, lead­er­ship and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS Advi­sors es un think-tank y con­sul­toría inde­pen­di­ente pro­por­cio­nan­do ser­vi­cios para la neu­ro­cien­cia apli­ca­da, salud, lid­er­az­go e innovación.

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