BRAIN initiative: Translating brain research into valuable neurotechnologies (and vice versa)
Neurotechnology: A Look Back at President Obama’s BRAIN Initiative (PLOS Blogs):
“In 2012, my former research mentor and principal investigator Rafael Yuste published a paper with his colleagues proposing the Brain Activity Map (BAM) Project. Little did we know that this project would be taken up by the Obama Administration in 2013 and transformed into the Brain Research Advancing through Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative…As an undergraduate student in the lab, I recall newscasters from nearly every network coming in everyday to interview Professor Yuste. Seeing all this excitement about neuroscience at an early stage in my career inspired me to move forward in this field…In this post, I will discuss two methods sponsored by the BRAIN Initiative that have shaped the way we study the brain. These methods are optogenetics and super resolution microscopy…Ultimately, as our toolbox grows, our opportunities in science grow as well.”
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