Sedline (a Masimo company) ranked #20 Holder of Pervasive Neurotech Intellectual Property*



Sed­Line is a pro­duc­er of EEG mon­i­tor­ing devices that are used to deter­mine the state of a patient dur­ing anes­the­sia or seda­tion. Their prod­uct is based on research show­ing that EEG activ­i­ty fol­lows pre­dictable pat­terns as the brain falls asleep, and that these pat­terns are the same if an anes­thet­ic agent is used. By fil­ter­ing out arti­facts and apply­ing a PSI (Patient State Index) algo­rithm to the sig­nal, SED­Line’s device assigns a val­ue from 0 to 100, with 100 mean­ing the most awake. SED­Line was acquired by med­ical device com­pa­ny Masi­mo in 2010.

  • Loca­tion: Irvine, CA
  • Stock Tick­er: NASDAQ:MASI
  • Num­ber of employ­ees: <100
  • Per­va­sive neu­rotech US patent grants: 4
  • Per­va­sive neu­rotech US pend­ing appli­ca­tions: 0

*Sed­line (a Masi­mo com­pa­ny) ranked #20 in Sharp­Brains’ Per­va­sive Neu­rotech IP Strength Index, thanks to patents such as:

  • US6301493: Reser­voir elec­trodes for elec­troen­cephalo­graph head­gear appliance
  • US6430437: Mod­ule for acquir­ing elec­troen­cephalo­graph sig­nals from a patient
  • US6317627: Anes­the­sia mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem based on elec­troen­cephalo­graph­ic signals
  • US6128521: Self adjust­ing head­gear appli­ance using reser­voir electrodes

To learn more about Sharp­Brains’ take on the orga­ni­za­tion’s #Per­va­siveNeu­rotech IP port­fo­lio, and over­all data and trends, click on Per­va­sive Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy: A Ground­break­ing Analy­sis of 10,000+ Patent Fil­ings Trans­form­ing Med­i­cine, Health, Enter­tain­ment, and Busi­ness.

Masterclass: Boost Your Mental Fitness & Resilience to Thrive in the Modern Workplace

SHARPBRAINS Advisors is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and sustainability. Learn more about our upcoming Masterclass: Boost your Mental Fitness & Resilience to Thrive in the Modern Workplace.

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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