Scientific Learning: #15 Holder of Pervasive Neurotech Intellectual Property*
Scientific Learning’s mission is to accelerate K‑12 children’s learning of language and reading skills through the application of the principles of neuroplasticity. Their Fast ForWord product series focuses on enhancing memory, attention, processing rate, and sequencing skills towards strengthening language and reading ability. Fast ForWord is an online game-based intervention geared towards at risk and special education students. Scientific Learning was founded in 1996.
- Location: Oakland, CA
- Stock Ticker: OTCMKTS:SCIL
- Number of employees: 100–999
- Pervasive neurotech US patent grants: 13
- Pervasive neurotech US pending applications: 10
*Scientific Learning #15 in SharpBrains’ Pervasive Neurotech IP Strength Index, thanks to patents such as:
- US6159014: Method and apparatus for training of cognitive and memory systems in humans
- US6599129: Method for adaptive training of short term memory and auditory/visual discrimination within a computer game
- US5927988: Method and apparatus for training of sensory and perceptual systems in LLI subjects
To learn more about SharpBrains’ take on the organization’s #PervasiveNeurotech IP portfolio, and overall data and trends, click on Pervasive Neurotechnology: A Groundbreaking Analysis of 10,000+ Patent Filings Transforming Medicine, Health, Entertainment, and Business.