Combining Google Glass and mobile EEG headsets

PND-With-Glass-Front-1Per­son­al Neu­ro Seeks to Com­bine Google Glass with EEG (Medgad­get):

What do you get when you mix Google Glass and EEG? That’s the ques­tion that the peo­ple at Ottawa-based Per­son­al Neu­ro (Devices) are on their way to answer­ing…Medgad­get: How does this com­pare to exist­ing com­mer­cial EEG sys­tems from com­pa­nies such as Inter­ax­on, Neu­roSky, and Emotiv?

Deni­son: PND has tak­en an “apps first” approach. Start­ing with devel­op­ing apps for the first mobile EEG head­set for Android & iPhone, the Mind­Wave Mobile, PND has focused on 1) build­ing neu­roapps which incor­po­rate PND algo­rithms and tech­nol­o­gy, 2) under­stand­ing users’ require­ments, 3) build­ing a grow­ing base of users and cus­tomers, and 4) lever­ag­ing neuroscience/neurofeedback research to devel­op spe­cial­ized mobile treat­ment options…

Medgad­getWhat is the most sig­nif­i­cant obsta­cle in terms of com­bin­ing EEG and Google Glass technologies?

Deni­son: For PND the most dif­fi­cult chal­lenge is the analy­sis of the pure vol­ume derived from and high­ly com­plex nature of the EEG sig­nal and sub­se­quent dis­play and stor­age of infor­ma­tion that is use­ful for a wear­er of Glass.  Each appli­ca­tion is dif­fer­ent and dis­tinct and it’s a chal­lenge to work out how best to best solve prob­lems for a Glass user with con­text sen­si­tive and mean­ing­ful information.

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
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