Major grant to study brain basis of autism and dyslexia

Quick note: Recent announce­ment that adds hope to the under­stand­ing and future treat­ment of autism and dyslex­ia: MIT’s McGov­ern Insti­tute researchers award­ed $8.5m to study brain basis of autism and dyslex­ia. Quote: — “Two researchers at MIT’s McGov­ern Insti­tute for Brain Research will head an ambi­tious new project to study the ori­gins of autism and…

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TED Conference wants more brains and synapses

TED Con­fer­ence, a great annu­al con­fer­ence on any­thing and every­thing new and mean­ing­ful, announces the pub­lic launch of their revamped web­site with great con­tent and social net­work­ing tools, all under the ban­ner “Ideas worth spread­ing”. You can exer­cise your mind by learn­ing about most sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy sub­jects through won­der­ful TEDTalks video clips. Some examples:…

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Bill Clinton on health care and wellness

We read a good arti­cle on med­ical salaries recent­ly, and are hap­py to see an increased empha­sis pre­ven­tion and well­ness rather than on sick­ness. Along these lines, we were for­tu­nate to attend Heal­thetc yes­ter­day, a day-long health event in San Fran­cis­co co-orga­nized by KCBS and CPMC that had Bill Clin­ton as keynote speak­er. You can…

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