Posts Tagged ‘treat ADHD’
Akili Interactive Labs raises $30.5 million to develop FDA-approved brain training videogame for ADHD
. Videogame Maker Seeks to Treat ADHD (The Wall Street Journal): “Doctors don’t usually prescribe videogame play. But one company, which has just raised $30.5 million from venture-capital investors, hopes to change that. Boston-based Akili Interactive Labs Inc. is developing a videogame it believes could replace pills as a treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Read MoreMisuse & Abuse of ADHD Meds among college students: Updated review of a growing concern
The misuse and abuse of prescription medication is a growing concern. I remember speaking with colleagues 15–20 years ago as reports about the nonmedical use of stimulant medications used to treat ADHD (nonmedical use is defined as use by individuals without a prescription) were first appearing in the media. At the time, these were generally…
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