Pros and Cons of using four nootropics–caffeine, creatine, L‑theanine, Ashwaghanda–as cognitive enhancers

Humans have long been search­ing for a “mag­ic elixir” to make us smarter, and improve our focus and mem­o­ry. This includes tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese med­i­cine used thou­sands of years ago to improve cog­ni­tive func­tion. Now we have nootrop­ics, also known as smart drugs, brain boost­ers or cog­ni­tive enhancers. You can buy these gum­mies, chew­ing gums, pills…

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Buyer beware: The story of a pricey and “credentialled” program to end Alzheimer’s Disease

When her hus­band was diag­nosed with ear­­ly-stage Alzheimer’s dis­ease in 2015, Eliz­a­beth Pan was dev­as­tat­ed by the lack of options to slow his inevitable decline. But she was encour­aged when she dis­cov­ered the work of a UCLA neu­rol­o­gist, Dr. Dale Bre­desen, who offered a com­pre­hen­sive lifestyle man­age­ment pro­gram to halt or even reverse cog­ni­tive decline…

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Survey of 2500 families finds what ADHD treatments seem to work/ not work as applied in the real world

While care­ful­ly con­trolled clin­i­cal tri­als are essen­tial for estab­lish­ing sci­en­tif­ic sup­port for dif­fer­ent ADHD treat­ments, it is also impor­tant to exam­ine how par­ents feel about the treat­ments they actu­al­ly select for their child. How par­ents feel about ADHD treat­ments they have tried for their child pro­vides an impor­tant com­ple­ment to pub­lished clin­i­cal tri­als data, and can…

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On neurons, lifelong learning, meditation, humility, “empty brain calories” and more

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing 12 fas­ci­nat­ing neu­ro­science find­ings and open questions–and the beau­ti­ful image above. #1. “With this image I want to illus­trate the large advances made in imag­ing meth­ods over the past cen­tu­ry, allow­ing mod­ern neu­ro­sci­en­tists to look at neu­rons in ways that Cajal could have only dreamed of.” –…

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Study: Some “brain-boosting” supplements sold in the US contain not-approved drugs at supratherapeutic doses, exposing users to unknown side effects

___ Some brain-boost­­ing sup­ple­ments con­tain an unap­proved drug that could harm users, study warns (STAT news): “Promis­ing to lift brain fog or improve mem­o­ry, brain-boost­­ing sup­ple­ments have joined sex­u­al-enhance­­ment and weight-loss reme­dies in the light­ly reg­u­lat­ed world of dietary sup­ple­ments. These prod­ucts may be sold legal­ly with broad-brush come-ons like these, as long as they don’t…

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Limitless evidenceless trend: The growth of nootropic supplements

_______ The all-too-under­­­s­tand­able urge to buy a bet­ter brain (Vox): “… unfor­tu­nate­ly, Bradley Coop­er is part­ly to blame for the boom of the edi­ble brain-improve­­ment indus­try. In 2011, he starred in Lim­it­less, a movie about a man who takes a spe­cial pill and becomes smarter and more capa­ble than any­one else on Earth. I’m joking…

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