Posts Tagged ‘schools’
Helping shape the future of lifelong learning via SEK Education Group
This week, as many students around the globe finally go back to school to meet their peers and teachers in person for the first time since March, it is an honor to announce that our very own Álvaro Fernández Ibáñez has joined the International Advisory Board of SEK Education Group, which runs 9 bilingual IB…
Read MoreEight Tips To Understand and Remember What You Read — Especially As You Read Nonfiction
___ Despite Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and television, (or perhaps precisely because of all of them) traditional reading is still an important skill. Whether it is magazines, professional manuals or fascinating books, people still need to read, now and in years ahead. And much of it is nonfiction material, where it’s important to really understand…
Read MoreHelping bridge neuroscience and education: 30+ experts debunk the theory of fixed, rigid “learning styles”
No evidence to back idea of learning styles (OpEd in The Guardian co-authored by 30+ neuroscientists and psychologists): “There is widespread interest among teachers in the use of neuroscientific research findings in educational practice. However, there are also misconceptions and myths that are supposedly based on sound neuroscience that are prevalent in our schools. We…
Read MoreADHD @ high schools: Clear mismatch between the Evidence and the Practice
— Study: High Schoolers with ADHD Receiving Few Evidence-Based Supports (Education Week): “A little over half of high school students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are receiving some kind of services from their schools, such as additional time on tests or extended time to complete homework assignments, a recent study finds. But those particular supports have…
Read More“Our culture seems obsessed with violent sports…Don’t mess with a brain!”
Question by Janet: Given the growing concern about sports-related concussions, what do you think schools should be doing? abolish or severely reduce varsity teams? sponsor only “safe” sports? Is there research on how concussions may interfere with learning and academic results? Answer by Dr. Robert Sylwester: I don’t know how to respond responsibly to your question,…
Read MoreBrain Study Links Emotional Self-Regulation and Math Performance
Brain Study Points to Potential Treatments for Math Anxiety (Education Week): “The study, published this morning in the journal Cerebral Cortex, is a continuation of work on highly math-anxious people being conducted by Sian L. Beilock, associate psychology professor at the University of Chicago, and doctoral candidate Ian M. Lyons. In prior research, Beilock has found…
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