Posts Tagged ‘parents’
Survey of 2500 families finds what ADHD treatments seem to work/ not work as applied in the real world
While carefully controlled clinical trials are essential for establishing scientific support for different ADHD treatments, it is also important to examine how parents feel about the treatments they actually select for their child. How parents feel about ADHD treatments they have tried for their child provides an important complement to published clinical trials data, and can…
Read MoreStudy: Raising a teen with ADHD adds significant stress to parents–especially to mothers
Numerous studies have established that parents of children with ADHD experience more stress in their parenting role than other parents. Although it is reasonable to expect that this would also be true for parents of adolescents with ADHD, this issue
Read MoreFrom Distress to De-Stress: helping anxious, worried kids (Part 2 of 2)
Last week, in this article’s first part, we discussed the importance of actually teaching children how to get themselves into a physical state of being relaxed, explored several suggestions I hope you found useful. Let’s continue. Teachers can help student overcome stress by teaching them to identify the impediments they might encounter in doing a…
Read MoreFrom Distress to De-Stress: helping anxious, worried kids (Part 1 of 2)
Teaching kids how to relax. Consider this vignette: ‑Roxanne: (agitated and loudly) I can’t stand this freakin book! ‑Teacher: Roxanne, you need to take it easy. Just calm down! Try to relax.You need to finish your reading. ‑Roxanne: (to herself) Right easy for you to say, teacher. But very hard for me to do. What do…
Read MoreTeaching is the art of changing the brain
James Zull is a professor of Biology. He is also Director Emeritus of the University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio. These roles most assuredly coalesced in his 2002 book, The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning.…
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