Studies point toward clear benefits to cultivating mindfulness in the workplace

. Research says mind­ful­ness works for indi­vid­u­als. But does it work in the bot­­tom-line-dri­ven work­place, or is it just a friv­o­lous feel-good pro­gram? This is the ques­tion tack­led in a grow­ing num­ber of stud­ies. Here are three ways, based on recent stud­ies, that cul­ti­vat­ing moment-to-moment aware­ness might improve work­places. Med­i­ta­tion might build self-con­­fi­­dence in leaders…

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Study: Shift work chronically impairs cognition

— Long-Term Shift Work Linked To Impaired Brain Func­tion (Forbes): “Accord­ing to results of a new study, long-term shift work may lead to impaired brain pow­er which could involve cog­ni­tive skills such as think­ing, rea­son­ing and memory…The impact was much greater after a peri­od of 10 or more years of such a work pattern —…

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