Neuromodulation device Relivion gets FDA clearance to help patients with major depression who don’t benefit from antidepressant medications

Neu­rolief wins FDA break­through nod for wear­able neu­ro­mod for depres­sion (Mass Device): Neu­rolief announced today that it received FDA break­through device des­ig­na­tion for its Reliv­ion DP sys­tem for treat­ing major depres­sion. Reliv­ion is a wear­able, non-inva­­sive, mul­ti-chan­nel brain neu­ro­mod­u­la­tion device designed as an adjunc­tive treat­ment to phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal man­age­ment of major depres­sive dis­or­der (MDD) in adults…

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