Latest brain research, tools and teasers to think outside the mental health status quo box

__ Time for a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing a range of  research find­ings, resources, brain teasers and rid­dles to help trans­late emerg­ing neu­ro­science into real-world appli­ca­tions and improve our col­lec­tive brain & men­tal health. New think­ing: Neu­ro­science tips about grat­i­tude, aging, pain and the brain: An inter­view with Dr. Daniel Lev­itin What’s normal?…

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What’s normal? When it comes to the brain, it’s hard to say, and that’s why we need to study global neurodiversity

In a small vil­lage in India—a place so remote it has no elec­tric­i­ty, no telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem, and no cars or buses—a research work­er pre­pares to place an EEG head­set on a female villager’s head. The woman, who earns $3.75 a day labor­ing in a near­by rice pad­dy and who has nev­er ven­tured out­side her vil­lage, eyes…

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Trend: Celebrating neurodiversity in the workforce to harness all brains for good

___ Fight­ing Cyber­crime with Neu­ro-Diver­si­­ty (Project Syn­di­cate): “Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty is one of the defin­ing chal­lenges of the dig­i­tal age. Every­one, from house­holds to busi­ness­es to gov­ern­ments, has a stake in pro­tect­ing our era’s most valu­able com­mod­i­ty: data. The ques­tion is how that can be achieved… The key to suc­cess is diver­si­ty of tal­ents and per­spec­tives. This…

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Next in Human Resources: Seeing cognitive diversity as an asset to build on, not a problem to avoid

Neu­ro­di­ver­si­ty: The Ben­e­fits of Recruit­ing Employ­ees with Cog­ni­tive Dis­abil­i­ties (Har­vard Busi­ness School’s Work­ing Knowl­edge): There’s a new fron­tier in diver­si­ty pro­grams focused not on race or gen­der but on cog­ni­tive abil­i­ty. The grow­ing inter­est in neurodiversity—hiring peo­ple with cog­ni­tive dis­abil­i­ties like Autism Spec­trum Dis­or­der (ASD)—is moti­vat­ed by com­pa­nies look­ing to tap into 

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