Fast Forward to 2040: How to prepare for the new era in brain enhancement that will change the way we think, work, and heal

Decades from now when our aug­ment­ed brains have enhanced our cog­ni­tive func­tion and trans­formed near­ly every aspect of our lives, many of us will look back and won­der why we didn’t do more to pre­pare for these inevitable changes. Gov­ern­ment lead­ers may grap­ple with the run­away effects of AI and brain enhance­ment on geopol­i­tics. Companies…

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Trend: Biopharma embraces digital cognitive assessments to identify behavioral health biomarkers

_______ The hunt for behav­ioral health bio­mark­ers is har­ness­ing dig­i­tal health at the research stage (Med­C­i­ty News): “Dig­i­tal health com­pa­nies are going through an inter­est­ing trans­for­ma­tion as research insti­tu­tions real­ize the ben­e­fit of their tech­nol­o­gy to col­lect and man­age data for a host of stud­ies. The bio­phar­ma industry’s embrace of some dig­i­tal health tools to manage…

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E‑Newsletter: Neuroimaging + machine learning can predict, with 96% accuracy, whether high-risk 6‑month-old babies will develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by age 2

_____ Time for Sharp­Brains’ June e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing fas­ci­nat­ing sci­en­tif­ic find­ings, promis­ing assess­ments, ther­a­pies and brain health mon­i­tor­ing tools…and some fun opti­cal illu­sions :-) New research Study com­bines neu­roimag­ing with machine learn­ing to pre­dict, with 96% accu­ra­cy, whether high-risk 6‑month-old babies will devel­op autism spec­trum dis­or­der (ASD) by age 2 Cog­ni­tive Train­ing or Gingko Bilo­ba to pre­vent cog­ni­tive decline and…

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Mental health meets the digital revolution: Mindstrong Health raises $14 million to modernize the diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders via artificial intelligence (AI) and smartphones

— Mind­strong Health Rais­es $14 Mil­lion in Series‑A Fund­ing (press release): “Mind­strong Health, a start­up trans­form­ing the diag­no­sis and treat­ment of neu­ropsy­chi­atric dis­or­ders through the pow­er of AI and ubiq­ui­tous mobile tech­nol­o­gy, today announced that it has secured a $14 mil­lion round of Series‑A fund­ing. Led by Fore­site Cap­i­tal and ARCH Ven­ture Part­ners, the round…

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May e‑newsletter: MIT Solve launches Brain Health Challenge, asking “How can every person improve their brain health and mental resilience?”

—– Time for Sharp­Brains’ May e‑newsletter, high­light­ing what’s new in brain health and men­tal per­for­mance, and fea­tur­ing a very rel­e­vant MIT ini­tia­tive and a thought-pro­­vok­ing study on the “Cog­ni­tive Divide.” New think­ing MIT Solve launch­es Brain Health Chal­lenge: How can every per­son improve their brain health and men­tal resilience? Men­tal Health Inno­va­tion and Dr. Tom Insel:…

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Mental Health Innovation and Dr. Tom Insel: from the NIMH to Google/ Verily Life Sciences to Startup Mindstrong

— For­mer Alpha­bet exec is work­ing on an idea to detect men­tal health dis­or­ders by how you type on your phone (CNBC): “Can a smart­phone detect whether a user is sui­ci­dal or depressed? That’s the promise of an explod­ing num­ber of men­tal health entre­pre­neurs, who are explor­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to mon­i­tor users’ smart­phone behav­ior to detect…

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