Posts Tagged ‘mental-self-rotation’
Rationality doesn’t equal efficiency: Cellphone data shows how we navigate cities
Think of your morning walk to work, school or your favorite coffee shop. Are you taking the shortest possible route to your destination? According to big data research that my colleagues and I conducted, the answer is no: People’s brains are not wired for optimal navigation. Instead of calculating the shortest path, people try to…
Read MoreLearn about cognition and mental self-rotation with these quick brain teasers
Mental self-rotation is the cognitive skill to imagine yourself in space and to imagine yourself moving — such as when you reading a map or finding your car in the parking lot.
Read MoreCan you use mental self rotation to read a map?
What is mental self rotation? It is the ability to imagine yourself in different locations in space and imagine your body moving in space. This is an ability that is used in different everyday activities such as navigating in an environment or reading a map. Ability involved: egocentric spatial transformations (yes, that is the scientific expression)…
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