Posts Tagged ‘mental health crisis’
From “Eminence-based” to Evidence-based mental healthcare: Time to focus on quality and accountability
For the mental health crisis of care, quality is as much of a problem as quantity. Most people who seek mental health care for the first time are baffled by how to find a clinician. I know what many parents felt. When my daughter, Lara, finished her first semester at Oberlin, she returned home to…
Read MoreOn schools, mental health, digital surveillance, student privacy and parental input
Op-Ed: School surveillance on students’ laptops will not help solve the youth mental health crisis (Los Angeles Times): In the past year, school districts in California and elsewhere have contracted with digital surveillance companies to spy on students at school and home, citing the need for mental health support during the pandemic. Despite being a vigilant…
Read MoreFour immediate priorities to flatten the mental distress curve
The mental health crisis triggered by COVID-19 is escalating rapidly. One example: When compared to a 2018 survey, U.S. adults are now eight times more likely to meet the criteria for serious mental distress. One-third of Americans report clinically significant symptoms of anxiety or clinical depression, according to a late May 2020 release of Census…
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