Apple names brain training app “2014 App of the Year”

Apple names its top apps of 2014 (Mash­able): “It’s a good day for Ele­vate, which was just named Apple’s favorite app of 2014. The app, which helps you improve mem­o­ry and focus, was Apple’s top pick of the year. The run­n­er-up was Insta­gram’s Hyper­lapse, which speeds up shaky videos and turns them into time laps­es in…

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Lindsay Gaskins on What Brain Games Consumers Buy and Why

The CEO of Mar­bles: The Brain Store will pro­vide an overview of What Brain Games Con­sumers Buy (in Mar­bles’ stores) and Why, at the upcom­ing 2012 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit (June 7–14th, 2012). Lind­say start­ed Mar­bles: The Brain Store in 2008 with the sim­ple idea of find­ing the best brain games out there and

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Brain Scientists Identify Links between Arts, Learning

Arts edu­ca­tion influ­ences learn­ing and oth­er areas of cog­ni­tion and may deserve a more promi­nent place in schools, accord­ing to a wave of recent neu­ro­science research.One recent study found that chil­dren who receive music instruc­tion for just 15 months show strength­ened con­nec­tions in musi­cal­ly rel­e­vant brain areas and per­form bet­ter on asso­ci­at­ed tasks, com­pared with…

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