Alto Neuroscience raises $60M (equity + credit) to help fix the “trial and error” approach to psychiatric medication

Alto Neu­ro­science bags $25M for four Phase II drugs (End­points News): Anoth­er $25 mil­lion is flow­ing the way of a Cal­i­for­nia biotech attempt­ing to fix the “tri­al and error” sys­tem in neu­ro­science drug R&D. Alto Neu­ro­science picked up the cap­i­tal from Alpha Wave Ven­tures via an exten­sion to its Series B, bring­ing total equi­ty raised…

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Precision psychiatry pioneer Alto Neuroscience raises $35M to advance digital biomarker-to-treatment platform

Alto Neu­ro­science Rais­es $35M Series B Financ­ing (Fins­Mes): Alto Neu­ro­science, a Los Altos, CA-based neu­ro-tech com­pa­ny which spe­cial­izes in pre­ci­sion psy­chi­a­try, rais­es $35M Series B Financ­ing … The com­pa­ny intends to use the funds to advance lead can­di­dates into Phase 2b stud­ies in major depres­sive dis­or­der … Pro­ceeds from the financ­ing will also be used…

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Meta-analysis finds sustained benefits of neurofeedback for kids with ADHD

___ In neu­ro­feed­back treat­ment for ADHD, indi­vid­u­als learn to alter their typ­i­cal pat­tern of brain­wave activ­i­ty, i.e., EEG activ­i­ty, to one that is con­sis­tent with a focused and atten­tive state. This is done by col­lect­ing EEG data from indi­vid­u­als as they focus on stim­uli pre­sent­ed on a com­put­er screen. Their abil­i­ty to con­trol the stim­uli, e.g.,…

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