Three favorite 2020 books on parenting and mental health

For a lot of fam­i­lies, par­ent­ing has nev­er been hard­er than it was this year. Many have been strug­gling for months try­ing to pro­vide child care and school­ing at home while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly work­ing either along­side their chil­dren or as essen­tial work­ers in the com­mu­ni­ty, if they haven’t already lost their jobs. The theme that emerges across…

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Youth unemployment can lead to long-term cognitive and emotional scars

. Youth unem­ploy­ment pro­duces mul­ti­ple scar­ring effects (British Pol­i­tics & Pol­i­cy): “Being unem­ployed when young leads to a high­er like­li­hood of long-term ‘scar­ring’ in lat­er life in terms of sub­se­quent low­er pay, high­er unem­ploy­ment and reduced life chances accord­ing to much research…There is also evi­dence of greater men­tal health prob­lems in their 40s or 50s

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