Posts Tagged ‘cognitive-rehabilitation’
FDA clears MindMaze GO neurorehabilitation platform, easing access to continued outpatient therapy
___ MindMaze Consolidates First-ever FDA Approval for Inpatient and Outpatient Neurorehabilitation Therapy (press release): “MindMaze, a leader in braintech, has today announced that it has obtained FDA clearance to launch its portable neurorehabilitation product, MindMotion™ GO, in the United States. Together with MindMotion PRO (which received FDA clearance in 2017), MindMotion GO is the next…
Read MoreUT Dallas researcher secures $2.7m grant to better monitor and address TBI-related cognitive and functional deficits
Scientist Gets Grant for Study of Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries (UT Dallas release): A researcher from the Center for BrainHealth at UT Dallas has been awarded a $2.7 million grant from the Department of Defense (DoD) under the Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program. The grant, awarded to Dr. Daniel Krawczyk, deputy director of the…
Read MoreExploring the latest in cognitive rehabilitation and brain health
Expo Day: MindMaze, SharpBrains, Watson Centre for Brain Health from SharpBrains During Expo Day selected Summit Partners and Sponsors showcased their latest initiatives and solutions. Dr. Daniel Perez-Marcos, Senior Scientist at MindMaze, presented the MindMotion platform–a series of medical-grade virtual reality solutions for neurorehabilitation. Alvaro Fernandez. SharpBrains‘ CEO & Editor-in-Chief discussed The State of Brain…
Read MoreNext: Tools to detect and treat “chemo brain” symptoms common in around 35% of breast cancer survivors
UCLA study reveals treatment for women with breast cancer suffering cognitive difficulties (HealthCanal): “UCLA researchers have developed a program that could improve the day-to-day lives of women with breast cancer by addressing post-treatment cognitive difficulties, sometimes known as “chemo brain,” which can affect up to 35 percent of women after their treatments
Read MoreBrain training 2.0: Adding 3D Navigation to Optimize Cognitive Training
As discussed during my SharpBrains Summit talk last week, it is very important to ensure fidelity between brain training tasks and the real-world scenarios where we expect those sharpened cognitive skills to be put to good use. That’s why, working with a number of researchers in the US and Europe, I’ve been developing a new…
Read MoreAddressing cognitive deficits due to ADHD or leukemia/ brain tumor treatments
The Science Behind ‘Brain Training’ (The Atlantic): “Julie Schweitzer, director of the ADHD Program at the University of California in Davis’s MIND Institute, conducted a randomized study of children diagnosed with ADHD. When published in July 2012 in the journal Neurotherapeutics, Schweitzer’s study found that children
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