Update: Let’s debunk 32 neuromyths…do we only use 10% of our brain?

Time for Sharp­Brains’ Novem­ber 2012 eNewslet­ter, fea­tur­ing lat­est sci­ence, tools and think­ing to upgrade brain health. Before we start, do you believe these 32 neu­romyths? Do we only use 10% of our brain? New Sci­ence: Fast cycling can help Parkinson’s Dis­ease patients strength­en brain con­nec­tiv­i­ty for motor abil­i­ty There’s no sin­gle sil­ver bul­let to treat depres­sion (not even…

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On the limits of Citicoline and the need for comprehensive brain injury rehabilitation

Citi­co­l­ine does not improve func­tion­al, cog­ni­tive sta­tus in patients with trau­mat­ic brain injury (Out­come Mag­a­zine): “Although approved for use for treat­ing trau­mat­ic brain injury (TBI) in near­ly 60 coun­tries, use of citi­co­l­ine in a ran­dom­ized tri­al that includ­ed more than 1,200 par­tic­i­pants with TBI did not result in improve­ment in func­tion­al and cog­ni­tive sta­tus, according…

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