Will self-driving vehicles lead to a surge of brain training?

Brain train­ing may be required for occu­pants of dri­ver­less vehi­cles (Traf­fic Tech­nol­o­gy): “A much-tout­ed per­ceived ben­e­fit of autonomous vehi­cle tech­nol­o­gy is that work­ing and a vari­ety of leisure activ­i­ties could be per­formed dur­ing the time freed up from being behind the wheel. However,

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Update: Latest thinking and neuro-tools to promote lifelong brain health

. Time for Sharp­Brains’ June e‑newsletter, wrap­ping up this month’s key news and insights around brain health inno­va­tion. New think­ing to pro­mote life­long brain health Why cog­ni­tive behav­ioral ther­a­py (CBT) should be first-line treat­ment for chron­ic insom­nia Solv­ing the Brain Fit­ness Puz­zle Is the Key to Self-Empow­ered Aging The Dig­i­tal Rev­o­lu­tion Meets the Human Brain El nego­cio del…

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Study: For healthy older adults, social brain training offers the most clear benefits

— If Home Brain Train­ing Apps Don’t Work, What Does? (Health­line): “In a study pub­lished online Nov. 18 in PLOS Med­i­cine, Aus­tralian researchers reviewed 52 pre­vi­ous stud­ies that looked at the ben­e­fits of com­put­er­ized brain train­ing soft­ware for 4,885 healthy seniors. While brain train­ing pro­grams like Lumos­i­ty, Cogmed, and Posit Sci­ence promise to help you…

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