190 Sharp Brains Issue a Call to Enhance Brain Health through Neuroplasticity, Big Data and Consumer Education

-– Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit brings togeth­er glob­al lead­ers and inno­va­tors to advance the emerg­ing fields of applied neu­ro­science and brain fit­ness The third annu­al vir­tu­al Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit: Opti­miz­ing Health through Neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty, Inno­va­tion and Data, held June 7–14th, con­clud­ed with a call to enhance brain health by har­ness­ing neu­ro­­plas­tic­i­­ty-based appli­ca­tions, big data plat­forms and consumer…

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