Study: Across all ideological groups, higher cognitive ability and intellectual humility predicts support for free speech

Free­dom of Speech: A Right for Every­body, or Only for Like-Mind­ed Peo­ple? (Het­ero­dox Acad­e­my): Free­dom of speech is often con­sid­ered key to a well-func­­tion­al democ­ra­cy. In many coun­tries, free­dom of speech is con­sid­ered a more impor­tant demo­c­ra­t­ic val­ue than reg­u­lar elec­tions. But do peo­ple gen­uine­ly believe in the virtues of open debates by sup­port­ing freedom…

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Update: Humankind’s evolving quest to enhance the brain and the mind

___ Time for the first Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter in the new decade, fea­tur­ing a range of inspir­ing and (most­ly) promis­ing news about humankind’s evolv­ing quest to enhance the brain and the mind, and a few fun brain teasers :-) New think­ing: The Neu­ro­Gen­er­a­tion and Humankind’s Quest to Enhance the Brain UCSF to open inno­v­a­tive neu­rol­o­gy clin­ic to address…

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