Helping young brains fight off anxiety by training and raising cognitive control

Anx­i­ety is one of the most com­mon child­hood men­tal dis­or­ders. About 7% of chil­dren suf­fer from it at any giv­en time, with near­ly 1 in 3 ado­les­cents expe­ri­enc­ing it some­time dur­ing their teen years. For an anx­ious child, seem­ing­ly nor­mal activ­i­ties can be hard. Wor­ried kids have trou­ble adjust­ing to school, mak­ing friends, and learn­ing. They…

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Machine learning study finds standardized brain scan biomarker to detect depression with 66% accuracy

New Study Brings Bio­mark­ers For Depres­sion Clos­er To The Clin­ic (Forbes): Sci­en­tists have been study­ing bio­log­i­cal signs of depres­sion in the brain, look­ing for mark­ers that could be used to iden­ti­fy the dis­or­der. A team of sci­en­tists recent­ly devel­oped a tech­nique using machine learn­ing that can iden­ti­fy whether a giv­en patien­t’s brain scan shows one…

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