Logic brain teaser: Will you finish your thesis on time this summer?

Imag­ine you’re spend­ing the sum­mer pol­ish­ing your PhD the­sis in the library. Every day you take the sub­way, a train going up North to the uni­ver­si­ty. One day you real­ize that the trains going South can bring you to the beach. Noth­ing is wrong with some leisure. You cal­cu­late that if you spend half of…

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Limitless evidenceless trend: The growth of nootropic supplements

_______ The all-too-under­­­s­tand­able urge to buy a bet­ter brain (Vox): “… unfor­tu­nate­ly, Bradley Coop­er is part­ly to blame for the boom of the edi­ble brain-improve­­ment indus­try. In 2011, he starred in Lim­it­less, a movie about a man who takes a spe­cial pill and becomes smarter and more capa­ble than any­one else on Earth. I’m joking…

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Math Brain Teaser: Unfinished Thesis

Now, test your brain with this math brain teas­er. Every day you take the esca­la­tor into the sub­way, turn right and catch a train going up North to the uni­ver­si­ty. One day you real­ize that the trains on your left going in the oppo­site direc­tion can bring you to the beach. 

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