If you play chess, then take up hiking

Heads up on a cou­ple of good arti­cles, one shar­ing great brain fit­ness tips based on the mate­r­i­al dis­cussed dur­ing our 2013 Sum­mit, the oth­er ana­lyz­ing the growth of cog­ni­tive train­ing ser­vice Lumos­i­ty. 7 Ways to Opti­mize Your Brain (Huff­in­g­ton Post): “3. Cross-train your brain. The say­ing “use it or lose it” clear­ly applies to brain…

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The future of biosensors and nanotechnology: A conversation with Sonia Contera

Imag­ine a future where dia­betes is mon­i­tored and man­aged, not with fin­ger prick blood tests and reg­u­lar insulin injec­tions, but with a small sen­sor implant­ed under the skin that mon­i­tors blood sug­ar lev­els, releas­es insulin as need­ed and com­mu­ni­cates the details to a smart phone. Wel­come to the sub­atom­ic world of nan­otech­nol­o­gy. With devel­op­ments in…

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