Can biofeedback-based videogames help children better manage stress? Magellan Health and Mightier secure $2 million NIMH grant to investigate

Might­i­er and Mag­el­lan Health Launch NIMH-Fund­ed Research to Improve Out­comes in Chil­dren’s Men­tal Health through the Use of Video Games (press release): Might­i­er, provider of a ground-break­ing video game sys­tem for teach­ing chil­dren emo­tion­al reg­u­la­tion, today announced the com­pa­ny has been award­ed a $2 mil­lion grant from the Nation­al Insti­tute of Men­tal Health (NIMH) to…

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Magellan Health is testing biofeedback videogame Mightier to help children better self-regulate stress and behavioral health

Mag­el­lan Health pilot­ing Might­ier’s video game plat­form for emo­tion­al reg­u­la­tion train­ing (Mobi­Health­News): Scotts­dale, Ari­­zona-based Mag­el­lan Health announced today that it has launched a pilot of Boston Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal spin-out Neu­ro­mo­tion Labs’ Might­i­er, a biofeed­back video game plat­form designed to help chil­dren reg­u­late their emotions.

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