Trend: Playing table tennis to enhance brain fitness and mental health

— Busi­ness­man turned love of ping­pong into char­i­ty (Vir­ginia Beach Bea­con): “The elder Lees, now 76, still plays and heads up a table ten­nis club on the East­ern Shore…Ken Lees said it was local neu­rol­o­gist Dr. Scott Saut­ter who helped him real­ize the ther­a­peu­tic ben­e­fits of ping­pong on brain fit­ness and men­tal health… “It’s like…

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New resource: Brain Fitness for All

In light of the cur­rent BBC-led con­tro­ver­sy on whether “brain train­ing” works, we believe it is crit­i­cal to spend some time dis­cussing the basics of brain func­tion­ing and brain-healthy lifestyles, what “brain train­ing” is and isn’t (to be accu­rate, the BBC did­n’t test Brain Train­ing as a cat­e­go­ry, only the new games that their researchers…

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