BrainHealth Week starts today! Plus: dancing, personalized mental health, brain stimulation and more

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains e‑newsletter, annouc­ing the kick-off of Brain­Health Week and fea­tur­ing some stim­u­lat­ing resources and teasers. #1. Brain­Health Week (Feb­ru­ary 20–24th) starts today: Explore many fun events includ­ing a dai­ly text chal­lenge, a talk with the always great Dr. Tom Insel, and more! #2. With­out Brain Health, you do not have…

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Sin salud cerebral, usted no tiene salud

A lo largo de la vida, su cere­bro va a exper­i­men­tar un desar­rol­lo extra­or­di­nario. Su cere­bro es el órgano más adapt­able y mod­i­fi­ca­ble de su cuer­po, y puede cam­biar tan­to pos­i­ti­va como neg­a­ti­va­mente, depen­di­en­do de cómo lo util­ice cada día. Sim­ple­mente leyen­do este libro, su cere­bro ha cam­bi­a­do. ¿Cuán­to y cómo va cam­biar en los…

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Without Brain Health, you do not have Health

As you go through life, your brain under­goes extra­or­di­nary devel­op­ment. Your brain is the most adapt­able, mod­i­fi­able organ in your body, and it can change both pos­i­tive­ly and neg­a­tive­ly by how you use it each day. Just by read­ing a book such as this one, your brain has been changed. How has your brain been…

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Mark your calendar for BrainHealth Week: February 20–24th

The brain changes each and every day dur­ing our whole lives, based on how we use it. Health­i­er dai­ly habits can improve the tra­jec­to­ry of our lives. “A brain that can think crit­i­cal­ly, that can func­tion under stress, a brain that is resilient in the face of trau­ma, a brain that is cre­ative, that is thoughtful,…

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Thanksgiving works: Gratitude journaling seen to lower stress and negative cognitive processes

Dur­ing the ear­ly days of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, many peo­ple suf­fered extreme stress. Peo­ple couldn’t work and faced finan­cial anx­i­ety, they felt lone­ly and iso­lat­ed, they wor­ried about catch­ing a dead­ly dis­ease or giv­ing it to some­one they loved, and their men­tal health suf­fered. For researcher Erin Fekete, of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Indi­anapo­lis, the unfolding…

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Study finds sharp decrease (nearly one-third) in the prevalence of dementia among those 65+ in the United States

Demen­tia plum­mets by near­ly one-third among U.S. seniors, RAND says (UPI): The preva­lence of demen­tia in the Unit­ed States is declin­ing among peo­ple over age 65, falling dra­mat­i­cal­ly from 2000 to 2016, a RAND Corp. study says. Nation­wide, the age-adjust­ed preva­lence of demen­tia fell to 8.5% of peo­ple over age 65 in 2016, down by nearly…

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