MindFit Brain Workout

MindFitâ„¢ Comprehensive Brain Workout
For lim­it­ed time only: Get two copies for $249.90. Free Pri­or­i­ty Mail ship­ping in the US!.     
MindFitâ„¢ Per­son­al Edi­tion: $149
Buy It Now!
Avail­able only for Windowsâ„¢ in the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca and Canada.    


The Per­son­al Edi­tion comes with a code that is valid for a sin­gle user to deliv­er a per­son­al­ized assess­ment and train­ing pro­gram. If mul­ti­ple peo­ple in your house­hold want to work out, take advan­tage of the dis­count for addi­tion­al copies.

30-day Mon­ey-Back Guar­an­tee: If, for any rea­son, you wish to can­cel your pur­chase with­in 30 days of your order, send Mind­Fit back in the orig­i­nal pack­age, and we will refund the pro­duc­t’s price.

Mind­Fit is designed specif­i­cal­ly for adults who want to main­tain good mem­o­ry and a sharp, agile, and vig­or­ous mind. The inno­v­a­tive, patent­ed soft­ware, rec­om­mend­ed in this Wall Street Jour­nal arti­cle, received the 2007 ASA Award, and is endorsed by neu­ro­sci­en­tist Susan Green­field. MindFit is easy to use with min­i­mal com­put­er knowl­edge and is based on sci­en­tif­ic research on age-relat­ed cog­ni­tive decline.   

Mind­Fit cre­ates an indi­vid­u­al­ized train­ing reg­i­men for your exact lev­el of cog­ni­tive skill. No two peo­ple are alike and no two train­ing ses­sions are alike. This is an inter­ac­tive sys­tem that “learns” about you through your per­for­mance, cus­tomizes your train­ing sched­ule, and responds to your per­for­mance both dur­ing and at the end of your training.

Mind­Fit focus­es on life abil­i­ties such as: work­ing mem­o­ry, visu­al and audi­to­ry short term mem­o­ry, plan­ning, loca­tion mem­o­ry, nam­ing, time esti­ma­tion, divid­ed atten­tion, and hand-eye coordination.

It includes:

  1. Assess­ment: It begins with three assess­ment ses­sions. Based on what it learns about you in those ses­sions, Mind­Fit cre­ates an indi­vid­u­al­ized train­ing pro­gram just for you.
  2. Train­ing: You then train at your com­put­er, 20 min­utes a day, three times a week, for eight weeks — a total of 24 train­ing sessions.
  3. Feed­back: As you train, Mind­Fit pro­vides you with infor­ma­tion about the cog­ni­tive skills being exer­cised in each train­ing task and their rel­e­vance to func­tions that occur in every­day day life. It also pro­vides con­tin­u­al feed­back and analy­sis of your per­for­mance and progress.

The entire process is repeat­ed three times, for a total of four assess­ment rounds and 72 train­ing ses­sions — an 8 to 12 month pro­gram in all. When you com­plete the train­ing, you have access to a pool of exer­cis­es for life­long brain train­ing and fitness.

Devel­op­er: CogniFit.