Top 15 Puzzles and Brain Teasers

Over the last 2 years we have post­ed close to 100 puz­zles, teasers, rid­dles, and every kind of form of men­tal exercise.

Below you have a selec­tion of the most pop­u­lar ones among Sharp­Brains read­ers, based on the num­ber of com­ments left, and the total num­ber of peo­ple who have vis­it­ed them. With­out fur­ther ado…here you are:

Top 15 Puz­zles Teasers and Rid­dles for the Brain

1. Can you count?: Bas­ket­ball atten­tion exper­i­ment (Inter­ac­tive).

2. Which way is the bus head­ing?.

3. Words in your brain: do you know where words are “stored” in your brain?.

4. Please Spot the Differences.

5. Do you think you know the col­ors?: Quick, try the Stroop Test.brain teasers and riddles

6. Clin­i­cal­ly proven Stress Man­age­ment tip.

7. Rid­dle for the Whole Brain: The Blind Beggar.

8. What is going on with these pictures?.

9. Puz­zles Teasers for the Week­end: a few chal­lenges to exer­cise your atten­tion and work­ing memory.

10. Con­sid­er Lin­da’s job prospects: rid­dle, or obvious?.

11. Count the Fs in this sen­tence.

12. Please find the miss­ing num­ber here.

13. How many… exer­cise your Frontal and Pari­etal lobes.

14. Men­tal Imagery and Spa­tial Rota­tion challenge.Rubik's Cube brain exercise

15. Enjoy this Sun­day After­noon Quiz.


If you want more puz­zles and teasers, you can always vis­it our Brain­Teasers page.


  1. gopi on October 2, 2009 at 1:24

    mid­night’s long stuck
    eye­lid’s droop­ing signal
    o! sleep, where are you?

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