What is Working Memory? Can it Be Trained?

You have prob­a­bly noticed the increas­ing amount of research and media cov­er­age focused on “work­ing mem­o­ry”. What is work­ing mem­o­ry? Why do we care? How can we best enhance it? Work­ing mem­o­ry is the abil­i­ty to keep infor­ma­tion cur­rent in mind for a short peri­od, while using this infor­ma­tion for the task at hand. Work­ing memory…

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Brain Fitness Update: Use It and Improve It

Here you are have the bi-mon­th­­ly update with our 10 most Pop­u­lar blog posts. (Also, remem­ber that you can sub­scribe to receive our RSS feed, or to our newslet­ter, at the top of this page, if you want to receive this digest by email). In this edi­tion of our newslet­ter we bring a few arti­cles and…

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