Update: Let’s move, slow down, innovate, think and play

You have heard that phys­i­cal exer­cise is good for the brain. How much exer­cise are we talk­ing about? Can the ben­e­fits be seen both for chil­dren and adults? In Fit­ter bod­ies = fit­ter brains. True at all ages? Dr. Pas­cale Mich­e­lon answers these ques­tions for you, based on lat­est sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies. We need fun ways to…

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Top 10 Brain Teasers and Games, with a neuroscience angle

No mat­ter what we are read­ing or doing, there is always the need to take a lit­tle break and chal­lenge our minds (and to learn a bit about how our brains work).… If you care for Brain Fit­ness Pro­grams, check out Mind­Fit for an over­all men­tal work­out, Intel­li­Gym for bas­ket­ball game-intel­li­gence, RoboMemo for work­ing mem­o­ry train­ing, Freeze-Framer for stress man­age­ment and peak performance.

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2007 New Year Resolution: Carnival of Brain Fitness

Hap­py 2007 to every­one! We have just for­mu­lat­ed our New Year Res­o­lu­tion: make 2007 the year when brain plas­tic­i­ty and Brain Fit­ness became main­stream con­cepts. How do we start? well, let’s announce the launch of the Car­ni­val of Brain Fit­ness (a Blog Car­ni­val is basi­cal­ly the vehi­cle that blogs use to share posts around specific…

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The Hermann Grid Visual Illusion

While there are real­ly only two col­ors in the grid, the high con­trast black and white areas fool the eyes into per­ceiv­ing a gray cir­cle at each inter­sec­tion. The illu­sion results from reti­nal cells adjust­ing the bright­ness of an image by adjust­ing the inten­si­ty of the light sig­nal in many small sec­tions, which allows you to see a wide range of both bright and dark details in the same image, unlike a com­put­er mon­i­tor or TV screen that has one bright­ness set­ting for the entire image.

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Are those 2 rows perfectly parallel?

What do you think? Yes or No? Try again. And try again…until you real­ize those two rows are indeed per­fect­ly par­al­lel.   More brain teas­er games: Top 25 Brain Teasers, Games and Illu­sions Brain Teasers for each Cog­ni­tive Abil­i­ty More Mind Teasers and Games for Adults of any Age

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Ambiguous Visual Illusion

What do you see? Do you see a series of black shapes on a white back­ground, or do you see a white word on black back­ground? Try to see both, one at a time :-) This image is an exam­ple of an ambigu­ous illu­sion — a pic­ture or object that requires per­cep­tu­al switch­ing between the alter­na­tive inter­pre­ta­tions of…

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