Use it or lose it” requires travelling out of our comfort zone

A Sharp­Brains read­er just for­ward­ed this very thought­ful let­ter by invest­ing leg­end Byron Wien, as a liv­ing exam­ple of many prin­ci­ples espoused by our new book. The let­ter fea­tures twen­ty excel­lent life lessons learned, includ­ing the five below. Enjoy! (bold empha­sis mine) Byron Wien Dis­cuss­es Lessons Learned in His First 80 Years: “1. Con­cen­trate on finding…

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Not all mental activity is created equal (quick brain teaser)

Quick! Say aloud what col­or you see in every word — DON“T just read each word.   Not easy, right! The Stroop test is used in neu­ropsy­cho­log­i­cal eval­u­a­tions to mea­sure men­tal vital­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty, since per­form­ing well requires strong atten­tion and self-reg­u­la­­tion capa­bil­i­ty. We used this lit­tle brain test/ teas­er in our online course this Wednes­day to…

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Interactive Human Brain in 3D

Heath­line now offers a cool inter­ac­tive Human Brain in 3D you can play with, as part of their over­all Body Maps. Enjoy! Relat­ed arti­cles: — Use It or Lose It: What is It? — Why We Need to Retool Use It or Lose It

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Can Brain Fitness Innovation Enhance Cognitive Rehab and Driving Safety?

Today we share must-read insights from  Kather­ine Sul­li­van, Direc­tor of the Brain Fit­ness Cen­ter at Wal­ter Reed Army Med­ical Cen­ter, and Peter Kissinger, Pres­i­dent of the AAA Foun­da­tion for Traf­fic Safe­ty. Both of them will dis­cuss their ongo­ing work and lessons learned at the upcom­ing 2011 Sharp­Brains Sum­mit (March 30th — April 1st, 2011). The interviews…

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Do we all have a “brain age”?

Do we all have a “brain age”? Are all brain exer­cises equal? Does aging mean decline? Answer­ing these ques­tions prob­a­bly requires to debunk a few myths about the brain. Under­stand­ing how our brain func­tions can help under­stand how it is pos­si­ble for our brain to change, and what we can do to make these changes happen.…

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