Nintendo to release new version of Brain Age brain training game

Nin­ten­do res­ur­rects Brain Age on Switch (Ven­ture­Beat): “Nin­ten­do is going to bring back one of its biggest fran­chis­es on the hybrid Switch handheld/home con­sole. No, it’s not F‑Zero or Style Savvy. The com­pa­ny revealed in an announce­ment today that Brain Train­ing is com­ing to the Switch in Japan on Decem­ber 27.

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The ultimate in transfer from brain training to real-world outcomes: Reducing the risk of at-fault accidents by almost 50%

___ Can you train your brain to dri­ve longer into your gold­en years? (CTV News): “For the elder­ly, the loss of a driver’s licence could mean the end of inde­pen­dence and the begin­ning of a decline in health, with far-reach­ing con­se­quences in their dai­ly lives…New assis­tive dri­ving tech­nolo­gies seem like an obvi­ous solu­tion in the years…

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Why “Untrained Brains Are A Bit Like Puppies,” And How To Put Together the Building Blocks of a Smarter, Happier Mind

— As a child, I was con­vinced that my dad just went to work to play. My father was a neu­ro­sci­en­tist at Bay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty, and his office was full of bright­ly col­ored blocks to test intel­li­gence, books by MC Esch­er to study per­cep­tion, and even a sound­proof room cov­ered in blue foam that I thought was…

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Update: Brain teasers and brain fitness tips to improve attention and memory in 2016

Dear Sharp­Brains friend, Time for Sharp­Brains’ Decem­ber e‑newsletter…and we are hon­ored to announce that the Japan­ese edi­tion of The Sharp­Brains Guide to Brain Fit­ness just became avail­able, and is doing well! (more below) Let us wish you Hap­py Hol­i­days and Hap­py New Year, and share a few resources and insights that may come handy in 2016. Resources to enhance brain…

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