Your Trading Brain: Expert or Novice

All trad­ing strate­gies and deci­sion mak­ing are brain-based synap­tic strate­gies. The human brain has an infi­nite capac­i­ty to change, orga­nize and reor­ga­nize itself, pro­gres­sion to trad­ing excel­lence is possible.

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MindFit by CogniFit, and Baroness Susan Greenfield

We are glad to see that Mind­Fit is final­ly mak­ing it into the pop­u­lar press, at least in the UK. The pro­gram is mak­ing big news in the UK (BBC, Times, Dai­ly Telegragh, Guardian…) because Baroness Susan Green­field, direc­tor of the Roy­al Insti­tu­tion and a well-respec­t­ed neu­ro­sci­en­tist, is endors­ing it. We eval­u­at­ed it last year…

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Cognitive training research: MindFit, Lumosity, Posit Science, Cogmed

The field of com­put­er-based cog­ni­tive train­ing (part of what we call “Brain Fit­ness”) is start­ing to get trac­tion in the media and becom­ing an emerg­ing indus­try, and we are hap­py to see how a grow­ing num­ber of researchers and sci­ence-based com­pa­nies are lead­ing stud­ies that will allow to bet­ter mea­sure results and refine the brain exercise…

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