Top 10 SharpBrains Articles of 2015

These are the 10 most pop­u­lar arti­cles with read­ers in 2015, cov­er­ing every­thing brain-relat­ed from lat­est research find­ings to healthy liv­ing tips and emerg­ing neu­rotech­nolo­gies: 1. Can you grow your hip­pocam­pus? Yes. Here’s how, and why it mat­ters 2. To har­ness neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty, start with enthu­si­asm 3. The Ten Habits of High­ly Effec­tive Brains 4. How learn­ing changes your brain 5. Why you turn…

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Brain fitness tips to improve concentration and memory

. Concentration–or atten­tion– and mem­o­ry are two cru­cial men­tal skills and are direct­ly relat­ed. In fact, many mem­o­ry com­plaints have noth­ing to do with the actu­al abil­i­ty to remem­ber things: They come from a fail­ure to focus prop­er­ly on the task at hand. For exam­ple, when you don’t remem­ber where you parked your car

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Brain Fitness Update: Best of 2008

Dear read­er and mem­ber of Sharp­Brains’ com­mu­ni­ty, We want to thank you for your atten­tion and sup­port in 2008, and wish you a Hap­py, Pros­per­ous, Healthy and Pos­i­tive 2009! Below you have the Decem­ber edi­tion of our month­ly newslet­ter. Enjoy: Best of 2008  Announc­ing the Sharp­Brains Most Impor­tant Book of 2008: Neu­ro­sci­en­tist Torkel Kling­berg has writ­ten a very…

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