Artificial Intelligence (AI) meets Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Wysa raises $20M to scale up mental health chatbot

Wysa rais­es $20 mil­lion to expand its ther­a­pist chat­bot into a wider set of men­tal health ser­vices (TechCrunch): Wysa, a pop­u­lar men­tal health app orig­i­nal­ly found­ed in India around an AI chat­bot that helps users talk through their feel­ings, has raised $20 mil­lion in a Series B fund­ing round to expand its busi­ness on the…

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From “Eminence-based” to Evidence-based cognitive & mental healthcare: Time for quality and accountability

Wel­come to a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter, fea­tur­ing time­ly brain & men­tal health news, two excel­lent new books and a few fun brain teasers. #1. From “Emi­­nence-based” to Evi­­dence-based men­tal health­care: Time to focus on qual­i­ty and account­abil­i­ty “The real chal­lenge is not find­ing a ther­a­pist, it’s find­ing a ther­a­pist who knows how to provide…

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Survey: Growing demand for digital psychotherapies to help veterans deal with substance abuse, depression, problem solving and insomnia

Vet­er­ans go for dig­i­tal psy­chother­a­py (Health­care IT News): “Com­put­er­ized psy­chother­a­pies, or CPTs, hold great inter­est for vet­er­ans receiv­ing out­pa­tient treat­ment, accord­ing to a study pub­lished in Telemed­i­cine and e‑Health. The study, rely­ing on infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by 151 vet­er­ans receiv­ing treat­ment in a Vet­er­ans Health Admin­is­tra­tion sub­stance use dis­or­der out­pa­tient clin­ic, showed vet­er­ans were 

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Mobile cognitive therapies gain traction as first-line mental health intervention

Men­tal health apps let you access ther­a­py from your smart­phone (New Sci­en­tist): “Lie down any­where that suits: the world is now your therapist’s couch. A wide range of apps now deliv­er men­­tal-health care straight to your smart­phone. With PTSD Coach, users can dis­creet­ly screen them­selves and learn more about the dis­or­der. Mood­notes keeps track of

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