Just in: Call for nominations and applications @ Global Teacher Prize 2018

—– Please join me and the Glob­al Teacher Prize in cel­e­brat­ing teach­ers and the amaz­ing things they do. Rec­og­nize the teach­ers who have changed your life, and/ or the lives of oth­ers around you, by nom­i­nat­ing them for a Glob­al Teacher Prize HERE before Octo­ber 8th, 2017. Descrip­tion: The Glob­al Teacher Prize is a US $1 mil­lion award…

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Study shows why children with ADHD should be reevaluated each year: Attention problems perceived by teachers are far less stable than we imagine

— While the study below was pub­lished a few years ago, it makes an impor­tant point that I think is worth revis­it­ing. In the study, pub­lished in the Jour­nal of Devel­op­men­tal and Behav­ioral Pedi­atrics, my col­leagues and I looked at how fre­quent­ly teacher rat­ings of inat­ten­tive symp­toms per­sist in chil­dren from one grade to the…

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10 Finalists announced for the $1M Global Teacher Prize

These are the 10 best teach­ers in the world (Glob­al Teacher Prize announce­ment): “We’ve all had teach­ers who have inspired us, who have made a dif­fer­ence to our lives. Teach­ers have the pow­er to make or break lives. A great les­son can inspire a pas­sion for a sub­ject that lasts a life­time, while lack­lus­tre teach­ing can…

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From Distress to De-Stress: helping anxious, worried kids (Part 2 of 2)

Last week, in this arti­cle’s first part, we dis­cussed the impor­tance of actu­al­ly teach­ing chil­dren how to get them­selves into a phys­i­cal state of being relaxed, explored sev­er­al sug­ges­tions I hope you found use­ful. Let’s con­tin­ue. Teach­ers can help stu­dent over­come stress by teach­ing them to iden­ti­fy the imped­i­ments they might encounter in doing a…

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