Survey: How important do you believe are the following brain functions to thrive personally and professionally in the 21st century?

What about con­cen­tra­tion pow­er to avoid dis­trac­tions?  Or the abil­i­ty to man­age stress­ful sit­u­a­tions? Or remem­ber­ing faces and names? Or the abil­i­ty to mul­ti-task? Please answer this ques­tion and a few oth­er to help us bet­ter under­stand your thoughts and beliefs about brain health, and how we may be able to serve you bet­ter (should take no…

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Please participate in this Brain Health survey

—– Dear Sharp­Brains read­er, Would you mind tak­ing this brief Sharp­Brains sur­vey to help us bet­ter under­stand your thoughts and beliefs about brain health, and how we may be able to serve you bet­ter? (should take no more than 5 min­utes to com­plete it) Take the sur­vey Thank you very much for your par­tic­i­pa­tion and insights. Your feed­back is…

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Survey: 40% who discontinue ADHD medication treatment concerned about loss of self

For many indi­vid­u­als with ADHD the symp­toms and prob­lems asso­ci­at­ed with the dis­or­der per­sist into young adult­hood and beyond. In cas­es where an ongo­ing pos­i­tive response to med­ica­tion occurs, and where there are no sig­nif­i­cant adverse side effects, treat­ment that per­sists across many years of devel­op­ment could thus be helpful.

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What Participants Say about the 2012 SharpBrains Virtual Summit

Once the 2012 Sharp­Brains Vir­tu­al Sum­mit (June 7–14th, 2012) was over, we sent all par­tic­i­pants an anony­mous online sur­vey ask­ing for feed­back; we also request­ed brief quotes to help con­vey the val­ue of the Sum­mit. The chart to the left show­cas­es the high lev­els of sat­is­fac­tion with the Sum­mit Over­all. And below you can read…

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