Large study finds that placebo works as well as vitamin D supplements to prevent depression and improve mood

Large Study Con­firms Vit­a­min D Does Not Reduce Risk of Depres­sion in Adults (Mass Gen­er­al press release): Vit­a­min D sup­ple­men­ta­tion does not pro­tect against depres­sion in mid­­dle-age or old­er adult­hood accord­ing results from one of the largest ever stud­ies of its kind … “There was no sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fit from the sup­ple­ment for this pur­pose. It…

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Study: Dietary interventions can help children with ADHD (especially with proper monitoring and adjustment)

Are dietary inter­ven­tions effec­tive for treat­ing ADHD? This has been a con­tro­ver­sial ques­tion over the years with strong pro­po­nents on both sides of the issue. For many par­ents and pro­fes­sion­als, try­ing to parse through the dif­fer­ent claims about the impact of diet on ADHD has been chal­leng­ing and confusing.

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