Take cognitive/ emotional assessments and therapies to scale

—– Look­ing for­ward to the vir­tu­al sum­mit next week…we can’t wait to explore and dis­cuss, on Tues­day, Decem­ber 6th — how to Take cognitive/ emo­tion­al assess­ments and ther­a­pies to scale. Three dig­i­tal health entrepreneurs–who have col­lec­tive­ly raised over $75 mil­lion in ven­ture cap­i­tal in the last 18 months– and an investor will dis­cuss their respec­tive visions…

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For college students, mental health screening kiosks offer ‘Check-Up from the Neck Up’

. A ‘Check-Up from the Neck Up’ — Men­tal Health Screen­ing Kiosks at Drex­el (Drex­el Now): “Dur­ing their time in col­lege, most stu­dents learn the impor­tance of look­ing out for their own health. How­ev­er, some miss the con­nec­tion that their men­tal well-being is just as impor­tant as keep­ing a reg­u­lar exer­cise reg­i­men or eat­ing the right diet

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Next in mental health, substance abuse: Preventive interventions to strengthen working memory

— Strong work­ing mem­o­ry puts brakes on prob­lem­at­ic drug use (Med­ical Xpress): “Ado­les­cents with strong work­ing mem­o­ry are bet­ter equipped to escape ear­ly drug exper­i­men­ta­tion with­out pro­gress­ing into sub­stance abuse issues…Most impor­tant in the pic­ture is exec­u­tive atten­tion, a com­po­nent of work­ing mem­o­ry that involves a per­son­’s abil­i­ty to 

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Three Ways to Bring Mindfulness Into Therapy

— Many ther­a­pists have come to regard cul­ti­vat­ing moment-to-moment aware­ness as a cura­tive mech­a­nism that tran­scends diag­no­sis, address­es under­ly­ing caus­es of suf­fer­ing, and serves as an active ingre­di­ent in most effec­tive psy­chother­a­pies. The clin­i­cal val­ue of 

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Why brain training needs to be better targeted, and more widely available

— ADHD, sub­stance abuse and con­duct dis­or­der devel­op from the same neu­rocog­ni­tive deficits (Med­ical Xpress): “Researchers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mon­tre­al and CHU Sainte-Jus­­tine Research Cen­tre have traced the ori­gins of ADHD, sub­stance abuse and con­duct dis­or­der, and found that they devel­op from the same neu­rocog­ni­tive deficits, which in turn explains why they often occur…

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May Update: Brain Training in Mental Health Toolkits for Prevention and Rehabilitation

The use of a vari­ety of brain train­ing inter­ven­tions is grow­ing in the area of men­tal health. Emerg­ing evi­dence sug­gests that in the near future tar­get­ed brain train­ing may even be used to pre­vent sub­stance abuse. For exam­ple, train­ing work­ing mem­o­ry may reduce sub­stance abusers’ dis­count­ing of long-term rewards and pun­ish­ments — such dis­count­ing is…

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