June 5–7th, Madrid: Healthy Living & Longevity Globalizer Summit by Ashoka and the Fit for Life Foundation

  Imag­ine liv­ing a life brim­ming with ener­gy and pur­pose, even as you age. The Healthy Liv­ing and Longevi­ty Glob­al­iz­er Sum­mit cel­e­brates the trans­for­ma­tive poten­tial of longer lifes­pans and explores how they reshape our world. With more peo­ple over 65 than under five years of age, and a pro­ject­ed three­fold increase in those over 80…

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Sports teams find creative ways to cross-train the brain off-field

__ HOW TO TRAIN THE BRAIN: COGNITIVE TRAINING IN LACROSSE (US Lacrosse Mag­a­zine): “Bon­nie Rosen has always been inter­est­ed in find­ing a train­ing method that extends beyond the lacrosse field. That pur­suit has tak­en her beyond the restraints of phys­i­cal train­ing in its entire­ty. The Tem­ple women’s lacrosse coach uses vir­tu­al real­i­ty technology 

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Play sports (smartly) for a quieter brain and better auditory processing

___ Ath­letes Have Qui­eter Brains, New Research Shows (Sci News): “No one would argue against the fact that sports lead to bet­ter phys­i­cal­ly fit­ness, but we don’t always think of brain fit­ness and sports,” said Pro­fes­sor Nina Kraus, direc­tor of the Audi­to­ry Neu­ro­science Lab­o­ra­to­ry at North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty. “We’re say­ing that play­ing sports can tune the brain…

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Study: Strenuous physical exercise may lead to cognitive –not just physical– fatigue

__________ Too Much Exer­cise Can Tire Our Brains Out, Too (Dis­cov­er Mag­a­zine D‑brief): “For years, the Nation­al Insti­tute of Sports, Exer­cise and Per­for­mance (INSEP) in France had been study­ing an unusu­al phe­nom­e­non. If an athlete’s work­out reg­i­ments were ramped up, it didn’t always lead to a bet­ter per­for­mance — even if that ath­lete felt like…

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We need low-cost monitoring technologies to track cognitive processes and capabilities at an individual level” — Danny Dankner, CEO and co-founder of Applied Cognitive Engineering

Ques­tion: Dan­ny, please share 1–2 major brain health needs you observe right now whose solu­tion demands a cre­ative and sig­nif­i­cant tech-enabled inno­va­tion. Answer: We need low-cost mon­i­tor­ing tech­nolo­gies to track cog­ni­tive process­es and capa­bil­i­ties at an indi­vid­ual lev­el. This would be crit­i­cal to trace and diag­nose dete­ri­o­rat­ing process­es, espe­cial­ly among the “wor­ried well” and older…

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Update: 20 Must-Know Facts to Harness Neuroplasticity and Improve Brain Health

—– Time for a new edi­tion of Sharp­Brains’ e‑newsletter,  pro­vid­ing a win­dow into the ongo­ing brain health and neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty revolutions–plus some fun brain teasers. Hap­py read­ing and, for those of you in the USA, Hap­py Fourth of July, and for those of you in Cana­da, Hap­py Cana­da Day! New research: 20 Must-Know Facts to Har­ness Neu­ro­plas­tic­i­ty and…

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